WordPress theme ajax have_posts()

My goal here is to load the blogroll into my theme via ajax. But all that I can get as response is 0 (if I omit the die() line, else I get a blank response). Here is my code: js ajax: $.ajax({ url:”http://domain.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”, type:’POST’, data:’action=load_men_blog’, //dataType:’html’, //cache: false, success: function(html){ $(“#b_contentwrapper”).empty(); $(“#b_contentwrapper”).append(html); } }); PHP … Read more

Disable “Blogroll” or “WordPress Dashboard News” section in WordPress v.4.1?

Is there a way to disable Blogroll or WordPress Dashboard News section in WordPress v.4.1? EDIT: Actually by saying disable, i mean completely remove and not just hide. I apologize for my the late response. 3 Answers 3 If you want to remove metaboxes from the dashboard page you can add this to functions.php function … Read more