Groups of capabilities: users with multiple roles?

I’m pretty sure I understand the roles and capabilities setup in WordPress: granular capabilities, grouped together in roles that can be assigned to users. Code should check the granular capabilities, not the roles (because the capabilities for particular roles can change). Roles are not necessarily hierarchical (though the default roles are). Is there any way … Read more

Why is javascript allowed in my post content?

The codex says you can’t add javascript in the post content But I can. I’ve turned off all plugins and changed to twentysixteen theme, but to no avail – I can still add javascript, via the post content, and have it run on the frontend. I don’t want anyone to be able to add … Read more

WordPress SEO by Yoast: Hide Meta Boxes in Posts for Non-admins

I have multi-author website and I am not very comfortable for allowing all members to enter SEO details in the posts they are publishing. I would like this would be visible only to Administrator of the website. Any ideas? 5 s 5 It didn’t say in the API docs on the Yoast SEO plugin site … Read more

What is valid timing of using current_user_can() and related functions?

During the vanilla WP core load the current user is being set up in $wp-init() which is after theme load and before init hook. This is in line with good practice of functionality getting hooked to init or later. However it is also common practice to call related functions, such as current_user_can() earlier than that. … Read more

what’s the meaning of the field wp_capabilities in table wp_usermeta

I am new to wordpress, in table wp_usermeta I notice that we have a row meta_key meta_value wp_capabilities a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;} First, what’s the meaning of meta_value a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;} , where can I found the exactly explanation of this filed ? Or I what to know all about the role user Capabilities , where can I get these … Read more