std::string to char*

I want to convert a std::string into a char* or char[] data type. std::string str = “string”; char* chr = str; Results in: “error: cannot convert ‘std::string’ to ‘char’ …”. What methods are there available to do this? 18 Answers 18

What is an unsigned char?

In C/C++, what an unsigned char is used for? How is it different from a regular char? 16 s 16 In C++, there are three distinct character types: char signed char unsigned char If you are using character types for text, use the unqualified char: it is the type of character literals like ‘a’ or … Read more

Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords?

In Swing, the password field has a getPassword() (returns char[]) method instead of the usual getText() (returns String) method. Similarly, I have come across a suggestion not to use String to handle passwords. Why does String pose a threat to security when it comes to passwords? It feels inconvenient to use char[]. 1 18 Strings … Read more