How to properly document S4 class slots using Roxygen2?

For documenting classes with roxygen(2), specifying a title and description/details appears to be the same as for functions, methods, data, etc. However, slots and inheritance are their own sort of animal. What is the best practice — current or planned — for documenting S4 classes in roxygen2? Due Diligence: I found mention of an @slot … Read more

correct way to define class variables in Python [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: difference between variables inside and outside of __init__() (12 answers) Closed 1 year ago. I noticed that in Python, people initialize their class attributes in two different ways. The first way is like this: class MyClass: __element1 = 123 __element2 = “this is Africa” def __init__(self): #pass or something … Read more

What is the difference between private and protected members of C++ classes?

What is the difference between private and protected members in C++ classes? I understand from best practice conventions that variables and functions which are not called outside the class should be made private—but looking at my MFC project, MFC seems to favor protected. What’s the difference and which should I use? 19 Answers 19

How can I call a function within a class?

I have this code which calculates the distance between two coordinates. The two functions are both within the same class. However, how do I call the function distToPoint in the function isNear? class Coordinates: def distToPoint(self, p): “”” Use pythagoras to find distance (a^2 = b^2 + c^2) “”” … def isNear(self, p): distToPoint(self, p) … Read more

What are data classes and how are they different from common classes?

With PEP 557 data classes are introduced into python standard library. They make use of the @dataclass decorator and they are supposed to be “mutable namedtuples with default” but I’m not really sure I understand what this actually means and how they are different from common classes. What exactly are python data classes and when … Read more