Is memcached a dinosaur in comparison to Redis? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 3 years ago. Improve this question I have worked quite a bit with memcached the last weeks and just found out about … Read more

Does Redis persist data?

I understand that Redis serves all data from memory, but does it persist as well across server reboot so that when the server reboots it reads into memory all the data from disk. Or is it always a blank store which is only to store data while apps are running with no persistence? 7 Answers … Read more

How much faster is Redis than mongoDB?

It’s widely mentioned that Redis is “Blazing Fast” and mongoDB is fast too. But, I’m having trouble finding actual numbers comparing the results of the two. Given similar configurations, features and operations (and maybe showing how the factor changes with different configurations and operations), etc, is Redis 10x faster?, 2x faster?, 5x faster? I’m ONLY … Read more

Redis is single-threaded, then how does it do concurrent I/O?

Trying to grasp some basics of Redis I came across an interesting blog post . The author states: Redis is single-threaded with epoll/kqueue and scale indefinitely in terms of I/O concurrency. I surely misunderstand the whole threading thing, because I find this statement puzzling. If a program is single-threaded, how does it do anything concurrently? … Read more