How to reset settings in Visual Studio Code?

It’s a simple thing and I was pretty sure it’s well described, but surprisingly it is not so obvious. Here I’ve found a detailed description of settings file. As it states it should be setting.json file located %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json, but in my case it’s not there. Can someone give me some help with restoring default settings … Read more

VSCode single to double quote automatic replace

When I execute a Format Document command on a Vue Component.vue file VSCode replace all single quoted string with double quoted string. In my specific case this rule conflicts with electron-vue lint configuration that require singlequote. I don’t have prettier extensions installed (no prettier.singleQuote in my setting) How to customize VSCode to avoid this? 27 … Read more

Automatically hard wrap lines at column in VSCode

How can I automatically hard wrap lines in VSCode? By that I mean if a line reaches a specified column, automatically insert a newline at the word boundary closest to that column without going over. Vim has a setting called textwidth that does this that I like to use when editing Markdown. It doesn’t seem … Read more

How do you format code on save in VS Code

I would like to automatically format TypeScript code using the build-in formatter when I save a file in Visual Studio Code. I’m aware of the following options, but none of them is good enough: Format manually Shift + Alt + F Format on type “editor.formatOnType”: true It formats the line when you press enter. Unfortunatelly, … Read more