Expanding the allowed HTML tags in comments?

I have no problem doing this in a comment, as an administrator: <b>bold test</b> <i>italics test</i> <u>underline test</u> <font color=”#ff9900″> color test</font> But the subscribers can’t underline, add color to words nor add images. Is it that only the admin can use more HTML tags than those suggested under the comment form? <a href=”” title=””> … Read more

Restrict file uploads by extension?

Is there a way in WordPress 3.1 to restrict allowed file uploads by extension (images only) and file size? Bonus question: Can I limit users to only be able view files they have uploaded themselves? 1 Answer 1 I believe you can add a filter to upload_mimes to restrict to certain types. The hook: http://adambrown.info/p/wp_hooks/hook/upload_mimes … Read more

What’s the proper way to use the get_image_tag filter?

I’m attempting to remove the title attribute for post thumbnails (on certain posts), and I assume the get_image_tag filter is the way to do this. However, what I’ve got so far isn’t working. What do I need to change to make this work? My code: add_filter(‘get_image_tag’, ‘image_no_title’); function image_no_title($title) { $title=””; return $title; } And … Read more

Why is WordPress redirecting users to random posts after commenting?

After commenting on one of my posts, WordPress redirects me to another random post. Only after, when checking the previous post, I can see that my comment was posted. Still, why is WordPress sending me to a random post after commenting? Here’s my comments.php file and here’s my website (please don’t publish it anywhere else, … Read more

WordPress built-in method to extract array of term IDs?

I’m querying a custom taxonomy for a post, hoping to get a list of all terms for that post and taxonomy. get_the_terms($post_id, $taxonomy) works, but gives this ungodly array of term objects that will require an extra layer of parsing before I can run the following code: if (in_array($list_of_term_ids, $my_term_id)){ do good stuff… } I’m … Read more

wordpress site validation errors

when I made my wordpress site validate I got some strange errors like Error Line 6, Column 52: Bad value profile for attribute rel on element link: Keyword profile is not registered. Error Line 12, Column 128: Bad value EditURI for attribute rel on element link: Keyword edituri is not registered. Line 14, Column 91: … Read more

WordPress “include TEMPLATEPATH” or?

I built something like this: Index Container Widgets Area and I created a widget for that – Categories Widget – Index Container .php with this in: <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/includes/containers/container-grid-categories.php’); ?> <?php ///include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/includes/containers/container-list-categories.php’); ?> and for example in the /includes/containers/container-grid-categories.php is this: <?php //include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/includes/containers/container-grid-categories/grid-thumbs.php’); ?> <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH … Read more