Send email to Admin when user/member updates specific user/member data

I have previously asked about How to automatically send email to Admin when a user/member changes his/hers profile data. And got some very good answers. Send automatic mail to Admin when user/member changes/adds profile Now a follow up: I only want to send/email the data (profiledata) that was updated/added. 2 Answers 2 So, as Bainternet … Read more

How to load script-related styles automatically?

Scenario: It is common that a JS dependency is bundled with a style file to work properly (just think about your favorite slideshow jQuery plugin). AFAIK, in this situation, the script and style have to be included in separate wp_enqueue_script and wp_enqueue_style calls. I am thinking about how to automate this process. A solution I … Read more

How can I create podcast posts automatically from the contents of a particular directory?

All of the WordPress Podcasting plugins I have seen allow you to easily insert a podcast into a post. Is there any way to automate the creation of the post (and the podcast feed) by simply uploading the podcast into a specific directory? For example I could upload 10 podcasts into the /media/ directory and … Read more

Is there any free (or cheap) software that can be used for testing WordPress functionality?

Is there any free (or cheap) software that can be used for testing WordPress functionality? I would like to create some test scripts and then them against my self-hosted WordPress installation. 1 Answer 1 This isn’t really a WordPress question – more a generic web development issue. These are some open source tools that can … Read more