Resolving instances with ASP.NET Core DI from within ConfigureServices

How do I manually resolve a type using the ASP.NET Core MVC built-in dependency injection framework? Setting up the container is easy enough: public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // … services.AddTransient<ISomeService, SomeConcreteService>(); } But how can I resolve ISomeService without performing injection? For example, I want to do this: ISomeService service = services.Resolve<ISomeService>(); There are … Read more

Error when trying to inject a service into an angular component “EXCEPTION: Can’t resolve all parameters for component”, why?

I’ve built a basic app in Angular, but I have encountered a strange issue where I cannot inject a service into one of my components. It injects fine into any of the three other components I have created, however. For starters, this is the service: import { Injectable } from ‘@angular/core’; @Injectable() export class MobileService … Read more

Dependency Injection vs Factory Pattern

Most of the examples quoted for usage of Dependency Injection, we can solve using the factory pattern as well. Looks like when it comes to usage/design the difference between dependency injection and factory is blurred or thin. Once someone told me that its how you use it that makes a difference! I once used StructureMap … Read more

Why do I need an IoC container as opposed to straightforward DI code? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Closed 8 years ago. Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions. I’ve been using Dependency Injection (DI) for a while, injecting either in a constructor, … Read more

Inversion of Control vs Dependency Injection

According to the paper written by Martin Fowler, inversion of control is the principle where the control flow of a program is inverted: instead of the programmer controlling the flow of a program, the external sources (framework, services, other components) take control of it. It’s like we plug something into something else. He mentioned an … Read more

What is the difference between @Inject and @Autowired in Spring Framework? Which one to use under what condition?

I am going through some blogs on SpringSource and in one of the blogs, author is using @Inject and I suppose he can also use @Autowired. Here is the piece of code: @Inject private CustomerOrderService customerOrderService; I am not sure about the difference between @Inject and @Autowired and would appreciate it if someone explained their … Read more

What is a JavaBean exactly?

I understood, I think, that a “Bean” is a Java-class with properties and getters/setters. As much as I understand, it is the equivalent of a C struct. Is that true? Also, is there a real syntactic difference between a JavaBean and a regular class? Is there any special definition or an Interface? Basically, why is … Read more

AngularJS: Service vs provider vs factory

What are the differences between a Service, Provider and Factory in AngularJS? 30 30 From the AngularJS mailing list I got an amazing thread that explains service vs factory vs provider and their injection usage. Compiling the answers: Services Syntax: module.service( ‘serviceName’, function ); Result: When declaring serviceName as an injectable argument you will be … Read more