What’s the difference between import java.util.*; and import java.util.stream;?

I doubt that the second attempt (import java.util.stream;) works. As JonSkeet pointed out in their comment, it should result in a compilation error: error: cannot find symbol. Maybe you wanted to import java.util.stream.*;? To the actual question: If we import with a wildcard, that is the asterisk (*) character, only the direct classes in this package will be imported, not the … Read more

package does not exist error!

This works: com/example/model/BearExtra.java package com.example.model; public class BearExtra { public static void go() { System.out.println(“Yay, it works!”); } } com/example/web/Bear.java package com.example.web; import com.example.model.*; public class Bear { public static void main(String[] args) { BearExtra.go(); } } Now, to compile and run these classes, go to the directory where you can “see” the com folder and do: … Read more