How to test if a string contains one of the substrings in a list, in pandas?

Is there any function that would be the equivalent of a combination of df.isin() and df[col].str.contains()? For example, say I have the series s = pd.Series([‘cat’,’hat’,’dog’,’fog’,’pet’]), and I want to find all places where s contains any of [‘og’, ‘at’], I would want to get everything but ‘pet’. I have a solution, but it’s rather … Read more

How to match a String against string literals?

I’m trying to figure out how to match a String in Rust. I initially tried matching like this, but I figured out Rust cannot implicitly cast from std::string::String to &str. fn main() { let stringthing = String::from(“c”); match stringthing { “a” => println!(“0”), “b” => println!(“1”), “c” => println!(“2”), } } This has the error: … Read more

What is the difference between and re.match?

What is the difference between the search() and match() functions in the Python re module? I’ve read the documentation (current documentation), but I never seem to remember it. I keep having to look it up and re-learn it. I’m hoping that someone will answer it clearly with examples so that (perhaps) it will stick in … Read more