Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 43148176 bytes) in php [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of 134217728 Bytes Exhausted (CodeIgniter + XML-RPC) (32 answers) Closed 2 months ago. This error message is being presented, any suggestions? Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 43148176 bytes) in php 25 Answers 25

Generate an integer that is not among four billion given ones

I have been given this interview question: Given an input file with four billion integers, provide an algorithm to generate an integer which is not contained in the file. Assume you have 1 GB memory. Follow up with what you would do if you have only 10 MB of memory. My analysis: The size of the file … Read more

Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of 134217728 Bytes Exhausted (CodeIgniter + XML-RPC)

I have a bunch of client point of sale (POS) systems that periodically send new sales data to one centralized database, which stores the data into one big database for report generation. The client POS is based on PHPPOS, and I have implemented a module that uses the standard XML-RPC library to send sales data … Read more