iOS 8 removed “minimal-ui” viewport property, are there other “soft fullscreen” solutions?

(This is a multi-part question, I will try my best to summarise the scenario.) We are currently building a responsive web app (news reader) that allow users to swipe between tabbed content, as well as scroll vertically inside each tabbed content. A common approach to the problem is to have a wrapper div that fills … Read more

Change bootstrap navbar collapse breakpoint without using LESS

Currently when the browser width drops below 768px, the navbar changes to collapsed mode. I want to change this width to 1000px so when the browser is below 1000px the navbar changes to collapsed mode. I want to do this without using LESS, I am using stylus not LESS. My issue is the same as … Read more

Hiding elements in responsive layout?

Looking through bootstrap it looks like they support collapsing the menubar items for smaller screens. Is there something similar for other items on the page? For example, I have a along with nav-pills floated right. On a small screen this causes issues. I’d love to at least put it into a similar click-to-show-more dropdown. Is … Read more

Does “display:none” prevent an image from loading?

Every responsive website development tutorial recommends using the display:none CSS property to hide content from loading on mobile browsers so the website loads faster. Is it true? Does display:none not load the images or does it still load the content on mobile browser? Is there any way to prevent loading unnecessary content on mobile browsers? … Read more

Fluid or fixed grid system, in responsive design, based on Twitter Bootstrap

I’m getting confused about the various options in the twitter bootstrap grid, and how they go together. To begin with, you can have an ordinary fixed container, or a container-fluid. Then either one can include either an ordinary row, or a fluid row, row-fluid. That is, you can have a fixed container with a fluid … Read more