How do I call Objective-C code from Swift?
In Swift, how does one call Objective-C code? Apple mentioned that they could co-exist in one application, but does this mean that one … Read more
In Swift, how does one call Objective-C code? Apple mentioned that they could co-exist in one application, but does this mean that one … Read more
I don’t think I fundamentally understand what an enum is, and when to use it. For example: typedef enum { kCircle, kRectangle, kOblateSpheroid … Read more
Are there any shortcuts to (stringByAppendingString:) string concatenation in Objective-C, or shortcuts for working with NSString in general? For example, I’d like to … Read more
I am using ARC successfully in my project. However, I have encountered a few files (e.g., in unit tests and mock objects) where … Read more