Does a const reference class member prolong the life of a temporary?

Why does this: #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Sandbox { public: Sandbox(const string& n) : member(n) {} const string& member; }; int main() { Sandbox sandbox(string(“four”)); cout << “The answer is: ” << sandbox.member << endl; return 0; } Give output of: The answer is: Instead of: The answer is: four 6 … Read more

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection

I successfully implemented the OpenCV square-detection example in my test application, but now need to filter the output, because it’s quite messy – or is my code wrong? I’m interested in the four corner points of the paper for skew reduction (like that) and further processing … Input & Output: Original image: click Code: double angle( … Read more