Lint: How to ignore ” is not translated in ” errors?

I can’t compile/debug our Android app, because the localization files are not perfect yet. My IDE’s validation tool Lint create errors saying: newCardsOrderVals is not translated in ar, bg, ca, cs Compiling/installing/running with Ant works fine, but I would like to use my IDE to ease debugging. Is there a way to turn off this … Read more

How does setting baselineAligned to false improve performance in LinearLayout?

I was just building some UI in xml, and Lint gave me a warning and said to set android:baselineAligned to false to improve performance in ListView. The docs for the Lint changes that added this warning say Layout performance: Finds LinearLayouts with weights where you should set android:baselineAligned=”false” for better performance, and also finds cases … Read more

What is “android:allowBackup”?

Since the new ADT preview version (version 21), they have a new lint warning that tells me the next thing on the manifest file (in the application tag): Should explicitly set android:allowBackup to true or false (it’s true by default, and that can have some security implications for the application’s data) In the official website, … Read more

This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler

I’m developing an Android 2.3.3 application with a service. I have this inside that service to communicate with Main activity: public class UDPListenerService extends Service { private static final String TAG = “UDPListenerService”; //private ThreadGroup myThreads = new ThreadGroup(“UDPListenerServiceWorker”); private UDPListenerThread myThread; /** * Handler to communicate from WorkerThread to service. */ private Handler mServiceHandler; … Read more