How to version control a record in a database [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question Let’s say that I have a record in the database and that both admin and normal users can do updates. … Read more

What is opinionated software?

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions. I often see people saying that certain software is “very opinionated” or that Microsoft tends to write “un-opinionated” frameworks. What does this actually mean? 9 Answers 9

Building a minimal plugin architecture in Python

I have an application, written in Python, which is used by a fairly technical audience (scientists). I’m looking for a good way to make the application extensible by the users, i.e. a scripting/plugin architecture. I am looking for something extremely lightweight. Most scripts, or plugins, are not going to be developed and distributed by a … Read more

Should everything really be a bundle in Symfony 2.x?

I’m aware of questions like this, where people tend to discuss the general Symfony 2 concept of bundle. The thing is, in a specific application, like, for instance, a twitter-like application, should everything really be inside a generic bundle, like the official docs say? The reason I’m asking this is because when we develop applications, … Read more

Single Page Application: advantages and disadvantages [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question I’ve read about SPA and it advantages. I find most of them unconvincing. There are 3 … Read more

Singleton by Jon Skeet clarification

public sealed class Singleton { Singleton() {} public static Singleton Instance { get { return Nested.instance; } } class Nested { // Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler // not to mark type as beforefieldinit static Nested() {} internal static readonly Singleton instance = new Singleton(); } } I wish to implement Jon Skeet’s … Read more

In general is it better to use one or many useEffect hooks in a single component? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 7 months ago. The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 7 months ago and left it closed: Original close reason(s) were … Read more