How do I copy SQL Azure database to my local development server?

Does anyone know how I can copy a SQL Azure database to my development machine? I’d like to stop paying to have a development database in the cloud, but it’s the best way to get production data. I copy my production database to a new development database but I’d like to have that same database … Read more

Azure Webjobs vs Azure Functions : How to choose

I’ve created some Azure Webjobs that use triggers and I’ve just learnt about Azure Functions. From what I understand Azure Functions seem to overlap with Azure Webjobs features and I have some difficulty to understand when to choose between Function and Webjob: Unlike Webjobs, Functions can only be triggered, it hasn’t been designed to run … Read more

What is the difference between an Azure Web Site and an Azure Web Role

What are the material differences between the new Azure Web Sites and the traditional Azure Web Roles for an ASP.NET MVC application? What reason would I choose a “web site” over a “web role” or vice versa? Let’s assume that I would need equal capacity in either case (e.g. 2 small instances). The prices seem … Read more

Could not load file or assembly “System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a”

I’ve copied my project to a clean Windows 10 machine with only Visual Studio 2015 Community and SQL Server 2016 Express installed. There are no other framework versions installed apart from those installed with Windows 10 and VS2015 or SQL Server. When I try to start the WebApi project I get the message: Could not … Read more

Cannot determine the organization name for this ‘’ remote url

So i just updated to a new Visual studio version and I’m no longer able to push/pull from/to my azure git repo (cloning works fine). The exact error I get is Cannot determine the organization name for this ‘’ remote url. ensure the credential.usehttppath configuration value is set, or set the organization name as the … Read more