Trouble with Transient API when W3TC is activated [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for WordPress Development Stack Exchange. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I’m using W3 Total Cache on WordPress 3.5.2. I’ve got a problem with transient API and w3tc’s object cache setting. … Read more

How do I force WordPress to show most recent version of images in the media library?

My workflow is sometimes the following: Delete many images from the media library at once (named for example, 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg…). Re-upload a series of images with the same file names (01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg…). The media library retains and display shows the old images as thumbnails and previews, even though they are deleted. Obviously this … Read more

Caching and Versioning for rtl.css

I am using filemtime() to add a version number for different .css and .js files in a custom WordPress theme. I used the accepted answer described here as a guideline; however, I use the wp_retister_style() and wp_register_script() functions to register my .css and .js files respectively, and evetually load them via wp_enqueue_style() and wp_enqueue_script(). As … Read more

Best practices for using the transients API

I’ve recently come across the Transients API in WordPress in hopes of improving the performance of the plugin that I’m trying to write. Basically the plugin is storing product details from the amazon product advertising API in the database. The product details are stored using the json encoded representation of the array. Now I’m trying … Read more

How do I cache (core) API requests?

I’m am currently trialling the new (as of 2017) core API built into WordPress. My setup is reasonably simple: +———+ +——+ +———+ |Wordpress|<–>|Guzzle|<–>| App | |(API) | +——+ |(PHPSlim)| +———+ +———+ Guzzle will be operating through a local loopback (/etc/hosts set up to see the api as a local resource). The major players in the … Read more