How can I render shortcode so that its not cached by Caching plugins?

I am developing a plugin and I don’t want the output of my shortcode to be cached by popular WordPress caching plugins like W3Ttoalcahe, WPSuperCache, etc. Is there any way I can achieve that or ask my users to configure their caching plugins so that my shortcodes are rendered dynamically and its output is not … Read more

Why specific file directory fails to redirect but its parent folder succeeds?

I activated multisite using subdirectories on my old WordPress site, and I created a new site (say I found links such as can redirect to, however, won’t redirect and will throw out a 404 error, this leads to the site loading errors. I was so confused, and tried hard refreshing sites, … Read more

How does the default recent posts widget work with cache?

I am trying to build a widget based on the default wordpress recent posts widget. In wp-includes/default-widget.php , I noticed in class WP_Widget_Recent_Posts in function widget(), the recent posts are first looked for in cache and if not found, then output buffering is turned on and the result is generated and then stored back into … Read more