Is priming a Transient Cache possible?

I’m currently using WordPress Transient Caching when querying images I’ve uploaded and tagged. Using Transient Caching has really sped up these queries once they are cached, but unfortunately, once the cached query expires it is only cached again when someone loads that page. Is it possible to preload/prime transient caches so users don’t get stuck … Read more

How would implement StackExchange ‘Questions with similar titles’ for the FAQ on my wordpress site

I want to have a FAQ page on my site which has a search box. As the user types in their question, a field below the search box is populated with FAQ answers with similar titles. The exact same functionality as the StackExchange ‘Questions with similar titles’ feature: Questions with similar titles 4 Open Source … Read more

How to purge all transient caches?

Is there an easy way to delete all transient caches? A plugin maybe? Or like in drupal “drush cc all”? 3 Answers 3 Not tested, but if you need a quick and dirty way, you could put a script like this in your WordPress folder and call it each time: define( ‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false ); require(‘wp-blog-header.php’); … Read more

Extremely slow WordPress website with 6000 posts

I have a website with 6000 posts and it is extremely slow. Sometimes I get this error in my browser: Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. Error: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable I have turned almost all plugins off … Read more

Stylesheet switching and caching

I’m implementing a site that allows users to switch stylesheets (to show a high contrast version for people with vision impairments). The switcher essentially just changes the <link>ref to whichever stylesheet is appropriate. However, I just realised that this will lead to problems when I switch on caching (either using WP Supercache or W3 Total … Read more