NPM stuck giving the same error EISDIR: Illegal operation on a directory, read at error (native)

I am stuck with this error no matter what directory I am in, and what I type after “npm” in cmd.exe. Here is the npm-debug.log: 0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose cli [ ‘C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe’, 1 verbose cli ‘C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js’ ] 2 info using [email protected] 3 info using [email protected] 4 … Read more

What are the undocumented features and limitations of the Windows FINDSTR command?

The Windows FINDSTR command is horribly documented. There is very basic command line help available through FINDSTR /?, or HELP FINDSTR, but it is woefully inadequate. There is a wee bit more documentation online at There are many FINDSTR features and limitations that are not even hinted at in the documentation. Nor could they … Read more

Why does only the first line of this Windows batch file execute but all three lines execute in a command shell?

I have a batch file that executes three Maven commands, one after the other. Each command can be successfully executed in the script – by itself!. But when I add all three commands to the same file, only the first one executes before the script exits. Any idea why? mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=gdata -DartifactId=base -Dversion=1.0 -Dfile=gdata-base-1.0.jar … Read more

Running NPM scripts sequentially

Let’s say I have “scripts”: { “pre-build”: “echo \”Welcome\” && exit 1″, “build_logic”: “start cmd.exe @cmd /k \”yo esri-appbuilder-js:widget && exit 1\””, “post_build”: “start C:\\WebAppBuilderForArcGIS\\startupShortcut”, “exit” : “start cmd.exe @cmd /k \”echo \”goodbye\” && exit 1\”” }, What NPM command can I run to let all of these scripts launch sequentially. When I use pre/post … Read more

How to verify if a file exists in a batch file?

I have to create a .BAT file that does this: If C:\myprogram\sync\data.handler exists, exit; If C:\myprogram\html\data.sql does not exist, exit; In C:\myprogram\sync\ delete all files and folders except (test, test3 and test2) Copy C:\myprogram\html\data.sql to C:\myprogram\sync\ Call other batch file with option sync.bat myprogram.ini. If it was in the Bash environment it was easy for … Read more

Setting a system environment variable from a Windows batch file?

Is it possible to set a environment variable at the system level from a command prompt in Windows 7 (or even XP for that matter). I am running from an elevated command prompt. When I use the set command (set name=value), the environment variable seems to be only valid for the session of the command … Read more

How to list files in windows using command prompt (cmd). I’ve tried using ‘ ls ‘ as in Linux but it shows an error? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions about general computing hardware and software on Stack Overflow. You can edit the question so it’s on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed last year. Improve this question When I tried to use list ls on a Windows … Read more