taxonomy list display custom post count

I use $term->count to display post count but it displays the total count of all type of custom posts attached to taxonomy… I just want to display the count of only a specific custom post type attached to taxonomy $icon = get_field(‘logo’, $term->taxonomy . ‘_’ . $term->term_id); $va_category_HTML .= ‘<li class=”logolar” ‘.$carrentActiveClass.’>’ .'<a class=”rownum”>’ .$i++. … Read more

Count total number of post in foreach loop

I used the the following script (only with get_permalink….) to display posts from a post type where the post author has an extra meta field on his user page: <?php // get users from user page $blogusers = get_users(); foreach ($blogusers as $user) { if(get_field(‘races’,’user_’ . $user->ID)) { while(the_repeater_field(‘races’,’user_’ . $user->ID)) { $signed_up = get_sub_field(‘race_name’, … Read more

How to get the number of child categories a specific parent category has?

How do we count the number of child categories of a parent category? I am using a custom taxonomy, called: “authors”. I found this code, which does count the number of child categories, but only globally, not of one specific parent. $num_cats = wp_count_terms(‘authors’); $num_parent_cats=count(get_categories(‘parent=0&hide_empty=0’)); $num_child_cats = $num_cats-$num_parent_cats; echo ‘<p>number of child categories: ‘ . … Read more

How we count the user draft posts

I am trying to use the total posts count currently i am using the this query $args=array( ‘author’ => $userID, ‘post_type’ => ‘post’, ‘post_status’ => $poststatus, ‘posts_per_page’ => 212 ); <?php echo count_user_posts($args); ?> $poststatus have 2 options draft and publish. But when i run this query one condition work good and that is publish. … Read more