Control verbosity level of WP DEBUG?

I’ve been at a loss so far and so I thought I’d pose the question: Is there a way to modify the verbosity level of the WP debug.log via wp-config.php or elsewhere? Just an fyi, here is what I have in my wp-config.php to enable logging: /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEBUG // Enable WP_DEBUG mode define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); … Read more

How to fix the admin menu margin-top bug in WordPress 5.5?

I recently updated a WordPress instance from 5.4 to 5.5 to end up with an annoying margin-top in the admin area, above the menu directly. I deactivated all plugins, switched themes, did some inspection, and I ended up with some findings. The CSS class causing the margin-top is .php-error, which is appended to #adminmenuwrap when … Read more

How can I see all the actions attached to an “add_action” hook?

I’m working with the admin bar and trying to debug some of the menus and their priorities. I know several callbacks get bound to actions, such as this one: add_action( ‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘wp_admin_bar_wp_menu’, 10 ); How can I see what is lined up to be called when a hook like admin_bar_menu is called? 1 You can … Read more

Define WP_DEBUG conditionally / for admins only / log errors (append query arg for all links?)

I’m developing a site on a server that the client has access to as well and what I’d like to do is show WP_DEBUG only for administrators. Referencing Yoast’s article on a way around this: if ( isset($_GET[‘debug’]) && $_GET[‘debug’] == ‘true’) define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); would show WP_DEBUG only for URLs that have ?debug=true attached to … Read more