KeyboardEvent.keyCode deprecated. What does this mean in practice?

According to MDN, we should most definitely not be using the .keyCode property. It is deprecated: On W3 school, this fact is played down and there is only a side note saying that .keyCode is provided for compatibility only and that the latest version of the DOM Events Specification recommend using the .key property … Read more

Is the buildSessionFactory() Configuration method deprecated in Hibernate?

When I updated the Hibernate version from 3.6.8 to 4.0.0, I got a warning about deprecated method buildSessionFactory() in this line: private static final SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); the Javadoc recommends using another method buildSessionFactory(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) but in the documentation I found deprecated variant 18 Answers 18

Subscribe is deprecated: Use an observer instead of an error callback

When I run the linter it says: subscribe is deprecated: Use an observer instead of an error callback Code from this angular app: this.userService.updateUser(data).pipe( tap(() => {bla bla bla}) ).subscribe( this.handleUpdateResponse.bind(this), this.handleError.bind(this) ); Don’t know exactly what should I use and how… Thanks! 8 Answers 8

Replacements for deprecated JPMS modules with Java EE APIs

Java 9 deprecated six modules that contain Java EE APIs and they are going to be removed soon: java.activation with javax.activation package java.corba with javax.activity, javax.rmi, javax.rmi.CORBA, and org.omg.* packages java.transaction with javax.transaction package java.xml.bind with all javax.xml.bind.* packages with javax.jws, javax.jws.soap, javax.xml.soap, and all* packages with javax.annotation package Which maintained third-party … Read more