Is the order of iterating through std::map known (and guaranteed by the standard)?

What I mean is – we know that the std::map‘s elements are sorted according to the keys. So, let’s say the keys are integers. If I iterate from std::map::begin() to std::map::end() using a for, does the standard guarantee that I’ll iterate consequently through the elements with keys, sorted in ascending order? Example: std::map<int, int> map_; … Read more

Difference between defining typing.Dict and dict?

I am practicing using type hints in Python 3.5. One of my colleague uses typing.Dict: import typing def change_bandwidths(new_bandwidths: typing.Dict, user_id: int, user_name: str) -> bool: print(new_bandwidths, user_id, user_name) return False def my_change_bandwidths(new_bandwidths: dict, user_id: int, user_name: str) ->bool: print(new_bandwidths, user_id, user_name) return True def main(): my_id, my_name = 23, “Tiras” simple_dict = {“Hello”: “Moon”} … Read more

How to merge dictionaries of dictionaries?

I need to merge multiple dictionaries, here’s what I have for instance: dict1 = {1:{“a”:{A}}, 2:{“b”:{B}}} dict2 = {2:{“c”:{C}}, 3:{“d”:{D}} With A B C and D being leaves of the tree, like {“info1″:”value”, “info2″:”value2”} There is an unknown level(depth) of dictionaries, it could be {2:{“c”:{“z”:{“y”:{C}}}}} In my case it represents a directory/files structure with nodes … Read more

Union of dict objects in Python [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How do I merge two dictionaries in a single expression (take union of dictionaries)? (48 answers) Closed 9 years ago. How do you calculate the union of two dict objects in Python, where a (key, value) pair is present in the result iff key is in either dict (unless … Read more

Convert a namedtuple into a dictionary

I have a named tuple class in python class Town(collections.namedtuple(‘Town’, [ ‘name’, ‘population’, ‘coordinates’, ‘population’, ‘capital’, ‘state_bird’])): # … I’d like to convert Town instances into dictionaries. I don’t want it to be rigidly tied to the names or number of the fields in a Town. Is there a way to write it such that … Read more

Multiple levels of ‘collection.defaultdict’ in Python

Thanks to some great folks on SO, I discovered the possibilities offered by collections.defaultdict, notably in readability and speed. I have put them to use with success. Now I would like to implement three levels of dictionaries, the two top ones being defaultdict and the lowest one being int. I don’t find the appropriate way … Read more

How to print a dictionary line by line in Python?

This is the dictionary cars = {‘A’:{‘speed’:70, ‘color’:2}, ‘B’:{‘speed’:60, ‘color’:3}} Using this for loop for keys,values in cars.items(): print(keys) print(values) It prints the following: B {‘color’: 3, ‘speed’: 60} A {‘color’: 2, ‘speed’: 70} But I want the program to print it like this: B color : 3 speed : 60 A color : 2 … Read more