x-wp-nonce is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response

I would like my dev server on http://localhost:8080 to work with my wordpress install’s rest api, of which the api base url is at http://localhost/wptest2/index.php/wp-json/ I am currently getting the title error when I try to make requests through the dev server: Access to fetch at ‘http://localhost/wptest2/index.php/wp- json/plugin/load?limit=10&offset=0’ from origin ‘http://localhost:8080’ has been blocked by … Read more

Localization For Two Different Regions/Domains with the Same Language

I have a site which is based in US (ex. www.example.com). We’ve been tasked to create a UK/GB version of the site which has it’s own domain (ex. www.example.co.uk), but shares the same common pages/posts/backend. About 75% of the pages are the same on both versions but there will be a few sections (like About … Read more

500 Internal Server Error after attempting to switch from subdirectory to addon domain

directory site that was hosted at https://example.com/mysubdir Now, I purchased a new domain and added it to my shared hosting account as an add-on domain. To change the domain settings, I did the following: Pointed the domain towards the sub-directory (successfully) Got into the database and updated site URL and site Home to the new … Read more

How to point my domain to a WordPress install in a sub-directory?

I have recently been re-designed a client’s website (whose website is – for example purposes – mywebsite.co.uk)/ I have developed the new website (a heavily modified wordpress install) in a sub-directory (eg: www.mywebsite.co.uk/new). I would now like for my new website to replace my existing website, and for visitors to find the new site when … Read more

WordPress site redirects to different wordpress domain on the same server after reuploading db backup

5 WordPress sites (that is all of them) on our server (Apache, Ubuntu) were infected by some malicious code injecting javascript. I have deleted all the wp databases that were full of the injections and reuploaded them back from a backup. Almost all is well now, but one of the WordPress sites from one domain … Read more