Double cannot be dereferenced?

double cannot be dereferenced is the error some Java compilers give when you try to call a method on a primitive. It seems to me double has no such method would be more helpful, but what do I know. From your code, it seems you think you can copy a text representation of hours into … Read more

How to implement infinity in Java?

double supports Infinity double inf = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; System.out.println(inf + 5); System.out.println(inf – inf); // same as Double.NaN System.out.println(inf * -1); // same as Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY Add titleHow to implement infinity in Java? double supports Infinitydouble inf = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; System.out.println(inf + 5); System.out.println(inf – inf); // same as Double.NaN System.out.println(inf * -1); // same as Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY printsInfinity … Read more

Java double.MAX_VALUE?

Double.MAX_VALUE is the maximum value a double can represent (somewhere around 1.7*10^308). This should end in some calculation problems, if you try to subtract the maximum possible value of a data type. Even though when you are dealing with money you should never use floating point values especially while rounding this can cause problems (you will … Read more