How do you Encrypt and Decrypt a PHP String?

What I mean is: Original String + Salt or Key –> Encrypted String Encrypted String + Salt or Key –> Decrypted (Original String) Maybe something like: “hello world!” + “ABCD1234” –> Encrypt –> “2a2ffa8f13220befbe30819047e23b2c” (may be, for e.g) “2a2ffa8f13220befbe30819047e23b2c” –> Decrypt with “ABCD1234” –> “hello world!” In PHP, how can you do this? Attempted to … Read more

What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application

I am creating an application which connects to the server using username/password and I would like to enable the option “Save password” so the user wouldn’t have to type the password each time the application starts. I was trying to do it with Shared Preferences but am not sure if this is the best solution. … Read more

Encrypt emails?

We need to maintain HIPPA compliance for forms on our website that are currently mailed to an internal email address. While the user/customers provides the info over HTTPS, we still want to make sure that we remain compliant… Are there any plugins for ensuring that emails sent from the WordPress application to a recipient are … Read more

What is the difference between encrypting and signing in asymmetric encryption? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 12 months ago. Improve this question What is the difference between encrypting some data vs signing some data (using RSA)? Does it simply reverse the … Read more

Security in WordPress plugin development

My plugin is for WordPress, I’m 85% completed and I’m focusing on security before release. Before the questions, I should outline the plugins architecture: The plugin is able to take in username & password and relative imap/smtp server details. The details are validated and made sure that correct imap/smtp are entered (valid connection(s) made) … Read more

Encrypting & Decrypting a String in C# [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Encrypt and decrypt a string in C#? [closed] (29 answers) Closed 5 years ago. What is the most modern (best) way of satisfying the following in C#? string encryptedString = SomeStaticClass.Encrypt(sourceString); string decryptedString = SomeStaticClass.Decrypt(encryptedString); BUT with a minimum of fuss involving salts, keys, mucking about with byte[], etc. … Read more

Does my application “contain encryption”?

I’m uploading a binary for the first time. iTunes Connect has asked me: Export laws require that products containing encryption be properly authorized for export. Failure to comply could result in severe penalties. For further information, click here. Does your product contain encryption? I use https://, but only via NSURLConnection and UIWebView. My reading of … Read more