Why does git-rebase give me merge conflicts when all I’m doing is squashing commits?

We have a Git repository with over 400 commits, the first couple dozen of which were a lot of trial-and-error. We want to clean up these commits by squashing many down into a single commit. Naturally, git-rebase seems the way to go. My problem is that it ends up with merge conflicts, and these conflicts … Read more

git rebase without changing commit timestamps

Would it make sense to perform git rebase while preserving the commit timestamps? I believe a consequence would be that the new branch will not necessarily have commit dates chronologically. Is that theoretically possible at all? (e.g. using plumbing commands; just curious here) If it is theoretically possible, then is it possible in practice with … Read more

rebase in progress. Cannot commit. How to proceed or stop (abort)?

When I run: git status I see this: rebase in progress; onto 9c168a5 You are currently rebasing branch ‘master’ on ‘9c168a5′. (all conflicts fixed: run “git rebase –continue”) nothing to commit, working directory clean When I do: ls `git rev-parse –git-dir` | grep rebase || echo no rebase I see: rebase-apply I can’t commit to … Read more