What’s a correct and good way to implement __hash__()?

What’s a correct and good way to implement __hash__()? I am talking about the function that returns a hashcode that is then used to insert objects into hashtables aka dictionaries. As __hash__() returns an integer and is used for “binning” objects into hashtables I assume that the values of the returned integer should be uniformly … Read more

What happens when a duplicate key is put into a HashMap?

If I pass the same key multiple times to HashMap’s put method, what happens to the original value? And what if even the value repeats? I didn’t find any documentation on this. Case 1: Overwritten values for a key Map mymap = new HashMap(); mymap.put(“1″,”one”); mymap.put(“1″,”not one”); mymap.put(“1″,”surely not one”); System.out.println(mymap.get(“1”)); We get surely not … Read more

How to do associative array/hashing in JavaScript

I need to store some statistics using JavaScript in a way like I’d do it in C#: Dictionary<string, int> statistics; statistics[“Foo”] = 10; statistics[“Goo”] = statistics[“Goo”] + 1; statistics.Add(“Zoo”, 1); Is there an Hashtable or something like Dictionary<TKey, TValue> in JavaScript? How could I store values in such a way? 1Best Answer 11 Use JavaScript … Read more