How to use WordPress multisite with mixed HTTP and HTTPS sites?

I have a multi-wordpress installation (3.x) with 5 sites and only one of them is using SSL. All of these are running on their own domain, and the forwards to Still, this seems to break wordpress upgrades. Now I get a message: Upgrade Network Warning! Problem updating Your server may not … Read more

Is it valid to replace http:// with // in a ?

I have the following element: <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script> In this case the site is HTTPS, but the site may also be just HTTP. (The JS file is on another domain.) I’m wondering if it’s valid to do the following for convenience sake: <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script> I’m wondering if it’s valid to remove the http: or … Read more

Remove Google Fonts Which Are (Probably) Added By Plugins

I’ve a theme which loads ‘Open Sans’ from Google Fonts. Our site is using SSL & we’re using a $protocol:// to render the font URL However, I noticed that, some plugin/(s) probably adding 3 different fonts from Google Fonts, & they’re being loaded using http:// & that throws error such as: Blocked loading mixed active … Read more

Use https for img src

My site requires the use of https for all img src HTML. This is the WordPress function I’m using to display images: <img src=”‘.get_bloginfo(“template_url”).’/images/thumb-default.gif” /> This outputs an http img src – how can I convert that to https? 4 s 4 WordPress checks the return value of is_ssl() before creating URLs using get_bloginfo(). If … Read more

Mixed content warnings after changing site adress from HTTP to HTTPS

I changed my site address from HTTP to HTTPS by simply changing the URL in Settings -> General (WordPress address and Website address.) Absolutely no issue in the admin area, anything works fine. What happens in the public facing portion of the website: there’s a lot of “mixed content”, so that Firefox complains the website … Read more

Resolving PKIX path building failed Error?

Edit : I tried to format the question and accepted answer in more presentable way at my blog. Here is the original issue. I am getting this error: detailed message PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target cause PKIX path building failed: unable to … Read more

How to prevent WordPress from loading the jQuery library at the top of the page

I am developing a site that must be HTTPS secure and WordPress is loading <script src=””></script> at the very top of my page, before <html> and giving me an insecure error. I cannot find where this is being loaded from to prevent it from loading. Unfortunately I cannot show the site as it’s a federal … Read more