ObservableCollection not noticing when Item in it changes (even with INotifyPropertyChanged)

Does anyone know why this code doesn’t work: public class CollectionViewModel : ViewModelBase { public ObservableCollection<EntityViewModel> ContentList { get { return _contentList; } set { _contentList = value; RaisePropertyChanged(“ContentList”); //I want to be notified here when something changes..? //debugger doesn’t stop here when IsRowChecked is toggled } } } public class EntityViewModel : ViewModelBase { … Read more

Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged – does a better way exist?

Microsoft should have implemented something snappy for INotifyPropertyChanged, like in the automatic properties, just specify {get; set; notify;} I think it makes a lot of sense to do it. Or are there any complications to do it? Can we ourselves implement something like ‘notify’ in our properties. Is there a graceful solution for implementing INotifyPropertyChanged … Read more