Remove elements from collection while iterating

AFAIK, there are two approaches: Iterate over a copy of the collection Use the iterator of the actual collection For instance, List<Foo> fooListCopy = new ArrayList<Foo>(fooList); for(Foo foo : fooListCopy){ // modify actual fooList } and Iterator<Foo> itr = fooList.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()){ // modify actual fooList using itr.remove() } Are there any reasons to prefer one … Read more

How can I loop through a C++ map of maps?

How can I loop through a std::map in C++? My map is defined as: std::map< std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string> > For example, the above container holds data like this: m[“name1”][“value1”] = “data1”; m[“name1”][“value2”] = “data2”; m[“name2”][“value1”] = “data1”; m[“name2”][“value2”] = “data2”; m[“name3”][“value1”] = “data1”; m[“name3”][“value2”] = “data2”; How can I loop through this map and access … Read more

Way to go from recursion to iteration

I’ve used recursion quite a lot on my many years of programming to solve simple problems, but I’m fully aware that sometimes you need iteration due to memory/speed problems. So, sometime in the very far past I went to try and find if there existed any “pattern” or text-book way of transforming a common recursion … Read more

How to skip to next iteration in jQuery.each() util?

I’m trying to iterate through an array of elements. jQuery’s documentation says: jquery.Each() documentation Returning non-false is the same as a continue statement in a for loop, it will skip immediately to the next iteration. I’ve tried calling ‘return non-false;’ and ‘non-false;’ (sans return) neither of which skip to the next iteration. Instead, they break … Read more