How to add a spinner icon to button when it’s in the Loading state?

Twitter Bootstrap’s buttons have a nice Loading… state available. The thing is that it just shows a message like Loading… passed through the data-loading-text attribute like this: <button type=”button” class=”btn btn-primary start” id=”btnStartUploads” data-loading-text=”@Localization.Uploading”> <i class=”icon-upload icon-large”></i> <span>@Localization.StartUpload</span> </button> Looking at Font Awesome, you see that there’s now an animated spinner icon. I tried to … Read more

Using the “animated circle” in an ImageView while loading stuff

I am currently using in my application a listview that need maybe one second to be displayed. What I currently do is using the @id/android:empty property of the listview to create a “loading” text. <TextView android:id=”@id/android:empty” android:layout_width=”match_parent” android:layout_height=”match_parent” android:background=”#FF0000″ android:text=”Loading…”/> Now, I would like to replace that with the animated circle that is used in … Read more