JavaScript click handler not working as expected inside a for loop [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How do JavaScript closures work? (86 answers) Closed 8 years ago. I’m trying to learn JS and got an issue. I tried many things and googled but all in vain. Following piece of code doesn’t work as expected. I should get value of i on click but it always … Read more

change cursor to finger pointer

I have this a and I don’t know that I need to insert into the “onmouseover” so that the cursor will change to finger pointer like a regular link: <a class=”menu_links” onclick=”displayData(11,1,0,’A’)” onmouseover=””> A </a> I read somewhere that I need to put: onmouseover=”cursor: hand (a pointing hand)” But it’s not working for me. Plus … Read more

Handle mouse event anywhere with JavaFX

You can add an event filter to the scene with addEventFilter(). This will be called before the event is consumed by any child controls. Here’s what the code for the event filter looks like. scene.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { System.out.println(“mouse click detected! ” + mouseEvent.getSource()); } });

possible lossy conversion from long to int?

That’s because a long is 64 bits and an int is 32 bits, not to mention you’re going from floating-point to integer. To go from long to int, you’re going to have to discard some information, and the compiler can’t/won’t do that automatically. You’re going to have to explicitly say so through a cast: int g = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 255); ^^^^^ … Read more