printf with std::string?
My understanding is that string is a member of the std namespace, so why does the following occur? #include <iostream> int main() { … Read more
My understanding is that string is a member of the std namespace, so why does the following occur? #include <iostream> int main() { … Read more
I’ve had a “stuck” namespace that I deleted showing in this eternal “terminating” status. 28 Answers 28
I have gotten the following error: type object ‘datetime.datetime’ has no attribute ‘datetime’ On the following line: date = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), 1) Does … Read more
In CSS, * will match any element. Frequently, *|* is used instead of * to match all elements. This is generally used for … Read more
I have a fairly complex “product” I’m getting ready to build using Django. I’m going to avoid using the terms “project” and “application” … Read more
What does a \ do in PHP? For example, CSRF4PHP has \FALSE, \session_id, and \Exception: public function __construct($timeout=300, $acceptGet=\FALSE){ $this->timeout = $timeout; if … Read more
I come from a Java background, where packages are used, not namespaces. I’m used to putting classes that work together to form a … Read more
I am writing a small matrix library in C++ for matrix operations. However my compiler complains, where before it did not. This code … Read more
What are PHP Namespaces? What are Namespaces in general? A Layman answer with an example would be great. 12 Answers 12
How do you get all the classes in a namespace through reflection in C#? 11 Answers 11