What scalability problems have you encountered using a NoSQL data store? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 3 years ago. Improve this question NoSQL refers to non-relational data stores that break with the history of relational databases and … Read more

Storing time-series data, relational or non?

I am creating a system which polls devices for data on varying metrics such as CPU utilisation, disk utilisation, temperature etc. at (probably) 5 minute intervals using SNMP. The ultimate goal is to provide visualisations to a user of the system in the form of time-series graphs. I have looked at using RRDTool in the … Read more

Possibility of duplicate Mongo ObjectId’s being generated in two different collections?

Is it possible for the same exact Mongo ObjectId to be generated for a document in two different collections? I realize that it’s definitely very unlikely, but is it possible? Without getting too specific, the reason I ask is that with an application that I’m working on we show public profiles of elected officials who … Read more

Explanation of BASE terminology

The BASE acronym is used to describe the properties of certain databases, usually NoSQL databases. It’s often referred to as the opposite of ACID. There are only few articles that touch upon the details of BASE, whereas ACID has plenty of articles that elaborate on each of the atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability properties. Wikipedia … Read more