Dynamic iCal generator outside/inside wordpress

So following on from this post: https://stackoverflow.com/q/1463480/1086990 I was wondering how exactly it would work integrating it into WordPress. I have a custom post type setup, and so far I have tried both linking to a “ical.php” with the above link code (and changing the title into the_title() and the dates into GMT versions of … Read more

Showing content from another wordpress installation database in the page template loop?

I am just wondering if it is possible to show just the page content of another wordpress database on wordpress pages with the same pageID within the content loop in my page template. To be more specific, I want to show the content of one separate wordpress database in another wordpress installation without duplicating it. … Read more

How to place comments_template(); outside the loop?

I am making a new template and I need to place the comments template outside the wordpress loop and just above the footer in the single.php file. I searched on google and the best answered I could find related to my issue is in this link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6384205/displaying-the-wordpress-comments-template-outside-the-loop However, that did not work. The same comments … Read more