Unsure if I understand TransactionAwarePersistenceManagerFactoryProxy

I am trying to use the org.springframework.orm.jdo.TransactionAwarePersistenceManagerFactoryProxy in my Spring project, but I am not sure how to use it or whether it’s exactly what I am looking for. I realize it can help make my DAOs work with a plain JDO PersistenceManagerFactory. Another question is: what happens if the proxy doesn’t get made properly? … Read more

What are the differences between the different saving methods in Hibernate?

Hibernate has a handful of methods that, one way or another, takes your object and puts it into the database. What are the differences between them, when to use which, and why isn’t there just one intelligent method that knows when to use what? The methods that I have identified thus far are: save() update() … Read more

Confusion: @NotNull vs. @Column(nullable = false) with JPA and Hibernate

When they appear on a field/getter of an @Entity, what is the difference between them? (I persist the Entity through Hibernate). What framework and/or specification each one of them belongs to? @NotNull is located within javax.validation.constraints. In the javax.validation.constraints.NotNull javadoc it says The annotated element must not be null but it does not speak of … Read more