Convert JSON String to Pretty Print JSON output using Jackson

This is the JSON string I have: {“attributes”:[{“nm”:”ACCOUNT”,”lv”:[{“v”:{“Id”:null,”State”:null},”vt”:”java.util.Map”,”cn”:1}],”vt”:”java.util.Map”,”status”:”SUCCESS”,”lmd”:13585},{“nm”:”PROFILE”,”lv”:[{“v”:{“Party”:null,”Ads”:null},”vt”:”java.util.Map”,”cn”:2}],”vt”:”java.util.Map”,”status”:”SUCCESS”,”lmd”:41962}]} I need to convert the above JSON String into Pretty Print JSON Output (using Jackson), like below: { “attributes”: [ { “nm”: “ACCOUNT”, “lv”: [ { “v”: { “Id”: null, “State”: null }, “vt”: “java.util.Map”, “cn”: 1 } ], “vt”: “java.util.Map”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “lmd”: 13585 }, { … Read more

Printing Java Collections Nicely (toString Doesn’t Return Pretty Output)

I wish to print a Stack<Integer> object as nicely as the Eclipse debugger does (i.e. [1,2,3…]) but printing it with out = “output:” + stack doesn’t return this nice result. Just to clarify, I’m talking about Java’s built-in collection so I can’t override its toString(). How can I get a nice printable version of the … Read more

How can I pretty-print JSON using Go?

Does anyone know of a simple way to pretty-print JSON output in Go? The stock package does not seem to include functionality for this (EDIT: it does, see accepted answer) and a quick google doesn’t turn up anything obvious. Uses I’m looking for are both pretty-printing the result of json.Marshal and just formatting a … Read more

How to pretty-print a numpy.array without scientific notation and with given precision?

I’m curious, whether there is any way to print formatted numpy.arrays, e.g., in a way similar to this: x = 1.23456 print ‘%.3f’ % x If I want to print the numpy.array of floats, it prints several decimals, often in ‘scientific’ format, which is rather hard to read even for low-dimensional arrays. However, numpy.array apparently … Read more

How can I beautify JSON programmatically? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: pretty-print JSON using JavaScript (30 answers) Closed 5 years ago. Do you know of any “JSON Beautifier” for JavaScript? From {“name”:”Steve”,”surname”:”Jobs”,”company”:”Apple”} To { “name” : “Steve”, “surname” : “Jobs”, “company” : “Apple” } Example some_magic(jsonObj); // return beautified JSON 1 Answer 1

Javascript: How to generate formatted easy-to-read JSON straight from an object? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: How can I beautify JSON programmatically? [duplicate] (1 answer) Closed 12 days ago. Possible Duplicate: How can I beautify JSON programmatically? I know how to generate JSON from an object using JSON.stringify, or in my case the handy jquery-json from google code ( Now this works fine, but … Read more