multiprocessing.Pool: What’s the difference between map_async and imap?

I’m trying to learn how to use Python’s multiprocessing package, but I don’t understand the difference between map_async and imap. I noticed that both map_async and imap are executed asynchronously. So when should I use one over the other? And how should I retrieve the result returned by map_async? Should I use something like this? … Read more

How can I recover the return value of a function passed to multiprocessing.Process?

In the example code below, I’d like to recover the return value of the function worker. How can I go about doing this? Where is this value stored? Example Code: import multiprocessing def worker(procnum): ”’worker function”’ print str(procnum) + ‘ represent!’ return procnum if __name__ == ‘__main__’: jobs = [] for i in range(5): p … Read more

How to use multiprocessing with multiple arguments

In the Python multiprocessing library, is there a variant of which supports multiple arguments? import multiprocessing text = “test” def harvester(text, case): X = case[0] text + str(X) if __name__ == ‘__main__’: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=6) case = RAW_DATASET, case), case, 1) pool.close() pool.join() 22 s 22 is there a variant of which … Read more