Add querystring parameters to link_to

I’m having difficultly adding querystring parameters to link_to UrlHelper. I have an Index view, for example, that has UI elements for sorting, filtering, and pagination (via will_paginate). The will_paginate plugin manages the intra-page persistence of querystring parameters correctly. Is there an automatic mechanism to add the querystring parameters to a give named route, or do … Read more

Wp Login redirect strips parameters from url

If i write in the url address bar (to make the login page redirect to a specific page with parameters) and login. I get redirected to the right page but only with first parameter ( the other two parameters are stripped from the url. How can i solve that? Btw – the parameters are … Read more

Change URL parameters and specify defaults using JavaScript

I have this URL: site.fwx?position=1&archiveid=5000&columns=5&rows=20&sorting=ModifiedTimeAsc what I need is to be able to change the ‘rows’ url param value to something i specify, lets say 10. And if the ‘rows’ doesn’t exist, I need to add it to the end of the url and add the value i’ve already specified (10). 31 Answers 31 I’ve … Read more

How to remove the querystring and get only the url?

Im using PHP to build the URL of the current page. Sometimes, URLs in the form of are requested. I want to remove the ? and everything that follows it (querystring), such that the resulting URL becomes: My current code is this: <?php function curPageURL() { $pageURL = ‘http’; if ($_SERVER[“HTTPS”] == “on”) … Read more

Passing array of strings to a SQL statement in a WordPress plugin

I have an issue with passing an array of strings to a SQL statement in a WordPress plugin, because the prepare method adds a backslash before each apostrophe. // I have an array of strings. $the_array = [‘red’, ‘green’, ‘blue’]; // I convert the array into a single string containing comma separated values surrounded by … Read more

Optional query string parameters in ASP.NET Web API

I need to implement the following WebAPI method: /api/books?author=XXX&title=XXX&isbn=XXX&somethingelse=XXX&date=XXX All of the query string parameters can be null. That is, the caller can specify from 0 to all of the 5 parameters. In MVC4 beta I used to do the following: public class BooksController : ApiController { // GET /api/books?author=tolk&title=lord&isbn=91&somethingelse=ABC&date=1970-01-01 public string GetFindBooks(string author, string … Read more

Can’t pass table to $wpdb->prepare

I’m having trouble passing a table variable to $wpdb->prepare(); Here is functioning code: $table = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . ‘my_table’; $voters = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare(“SELECT * FROM $table WHERE user_id= %d AND post_id = %d;”, $user_ID, $post->ID )); This works great. However I think I should also be including my table in the prepare statement. But, it … Read more

How to read values from the querystring with ASP.NET Core?

I’m building one RESTful API using ASP.NET Core MVC and I want to use querystring parameters to specify filtering and paging on a resource that returns a collection. In that case, I need to read the values passed in the querystring to filter and select the results to return. I’ve already found out that inside … Read more

Query_posts $query_string

I have a query that looks like: query_posts($query_string.”&post_type=attachment&posts_per_page=9&paged=”.$paged); I’d like it to looks something like: $args = array( ‘paged’ => $paged, ‘posts_per_page’ => 9, ‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’ ); query_posts($args); I am trying to integrate $query_string into the query_posts with $args…can anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks, Josh 1 Answer 1 After some searching … Read more