How to do a recursive sub-folder search and return files in a list?

I am working on a script to recursively go through subfolders in a mainfolder and build a list off a certain file type. I am having an issue with the script. It’s currently set as follows: for root, subFolder, files in os.walk(PATH): for item in files: if item.endswith(“.txt”) : fileNamePath = str(os.path.join(root,subFolder,item)) the problem is … Read more

Can every recursion be converted into iteration?

A reddit thread brought up an apparently interesting question: Tail recursive functions can trivially be converted into iterative functions. Other ones, can be transformed by using an explicit stack. Can every recursion be transformed into iteration? The (counter?)example in the post is the pair: (define (num-ways x y) (case ((= x 0) 1) ((= y … Read more

List files recursively in Linux CLI with path relative to the current directory

This is similar to this question, but I want to include the path relative to the current directory in unix. If I do the following: ls -LR | grep .txt It doesn’t include the full paths. For example, I have the following directory structure: test1/file.txt test2/file1.txt test2/file2.txt The code above will return: file.txt file1.txt file2.txt … Read more