Custom Registration page – prevent redirect to wp-login.php?action=register

I already have a custom login from built with the following code: add_action(‘login_redirect’, ‘jwh_redirect_login’, 10, 3); function jwh_redirect_login($redirect_to, $url, $user) { $url = current(explode(‘?’, $url)); if($user->errors[’empty_password’]){ wp_redirect( $url . ‘?jwh_error=nopass’); } else if($user->errors[’empty_username’]){ wp_redirect( $url . ‘?jwh_error=nouser’); } else if($user->errors[‘incorrect_password’]){ wp_redirect( $url . ‘?jwh_error=invalidpass’); } else if($user->errors[‘invalid_username’]){ wp_redirect( $url . ‘?jwh_error=invaliduser’); } else if(!empty($user->data)){ wp_redirect( … Read more

WordPress Multisite Strange Redirect on Primary Site

I am using a plugin which allows for multiple TLD’s with WordPress multi-site. (WordPress MU Domain Mapping) No idea if this is a conflicting issue or not. Doubtfut, but thought I would throw it out there. Every now and then, when I visit the primary website which multi-site was installed on, I get redirected to … Read more

Is there a ‘rake routes’ for wordpress?

Is there an equivalent to ‘rake routes’ in php/wordpress that would spit out all the available wordpress url paths available? 1 Answer 1 var_dump( $GLOBALS[‘wp_rewrite’] ); this is as close as you’ll get. Anyway, there’re plugins like the “MonkeyMan Rewrite Analyzer” and toschos T5 Rewrite plugins that will allow you other nice things too.

WordPress within specific sub-directories, implicitly not root

I have an existing application running at my website root now. Using .htaccess, would it be possible for a single WordPress installation to manage sub-directories? For example, /press/, /careers/, /blog/ would be served by WordPress. The problem is I don’t want WordPress to get served on the root. I suspect something tricky with permalinks and … Read more

Disable domain redirect

Desired behavior: should stay at, no registration required. Currently wordpress is automatically redirecting to the Amazon hostname, requesting users register, if I update wp-config.php by uncommenting DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE I end up with a redirect loop to As you’ll see below I do have multisite installed as was working a few months ago … Read more

Why is there an intermediate redirect to

I have the SITE_DOMAIN set as, this has a SSL for *, is the url for the frontpage, this works. There is no certificate for Now, when I access the following happens: Redirect from to Client (browser) issues a certificate warning, there is no certificate for Client must … Read more

How to 301 all posts

I am currently using domain/%postname%/ but I am looking to change it to domain/folder/%postname%/ – I unsure how to 301 all posts. If I was to use something like Redirect 301 /$ domain/folder/$ I am thinking this would probably also redirect all pages, archives etc to the same structure, which I do not want. How … Read more