What is the purpose of a “Refresh Token”?

I have a program that integrates with the YouTube Live Streaming API. It runs on timers, so its been relatively easy for me to program in to fetch a new Access Token every 50 minutes with a Refresh Token. My question is, why? When I authenticated with YouTube, it gave me a Refresh Token. I … Read more

Why Does OAuth v2 Have Both Access and Refresh Tokens?

Section 4.2 of the draft OAuth 2.0 protocol indicates that an authorization server can return both an access_token (which is used to authenticate oneself with a resource) as well as a refresh_token, which is used purely to create a new access_token: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749#section-4.2 Why have both? Why not just make the access_token last as long as … Read more