What’s the best method for emptying an option created with the Settings API?

I’m trying to empty an option created with the Settings API and failing. update_option ( ‘my_option’, ” ); appears to do nothing, whereas delete_option ( ‘my_option’ ); destroys the whole option causing other problems. I just want to empty the values and reset it. I’m really clueless how to implement this correctly. Can anyone help? … Read more

Difference between Option_Group and Option_Name in Register_Settings

I think the title pretty much says it all! I’m working my way through various tutorials on how to add an options page to my test plugin and am struggling to understand the Register_Settings function. Every tutorial I have found quotes the codex for the arguments then uses the same text in the Option_Group and … Read more

How do I add settings to the Background Options Page?

I am developing a theme and I wanted to add some extra content to the built in background options page. I know how to use the settings API to create new theme options and settings but I can’t seem to figure out where it’s actually calling to the background page. I have searched through wp-includes/theme.php … Read more