SonarQube Exclude a directory

I am trying to exclude a directory from being analyzed by Sonar. I have the following properties defined in my file: sonar.sources=src/java sonar.exclusions=src/java/test/****/*.java The directory structure I have is: src/java/dig src/java/test/dig When I run the sonar-runner I get the following info: INFO – Excluded sources: INFO – src/java/test/**/*.java INFO – Excluded tests: INFO – … Read more

Turning Sonar off for certain code

Is it possible to turn off sonar ( measurements for specific blocks of code, which one doesn’t want to be measured? An example is the “Preserve Stack Trace” warning which Findbugs outputs. When leaving the server, I might well want to only pass the message back to the client, not including the actual exception which … Read more

Hide Utility Class Constructor : Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor

If this class is only a utility class, you should make the class final and define a private constructor: public final class FilePathHelper { private FilePathHelper() { //not called } } This prevents the default parameter-less constructor from being used elsewhere in your code. Additionally, you can make the class final, so that it can’t … Read more