WordPress: Keep order of query_posts list of post ID’s using post__in

I need to request a certain list of posts in the order I want. I’m getting the posts using: query_posts(‘category_name’=>’cases’, ‘posts_per_page’=>5, ‘post__in’=>$_SESSION[‘sorting’], ‘paged’=>$paged); It works in that I get the posts in the array $_SESSION[‘sorting’] but the problem is that my sorting gets lost even if iI don’t suggest a special orderby field. Can anyone … Read more

Custom Post Type sorted by Title

I created a non-hierarchical custom post type and, by default, it’s sorted by date published. I know I can reorder them by Title with query_posts() in the archive template: global $query_string; query_posts( $query_string . ‘&orderby=title&order=ASC’ ); but it takes another SQL query on each archive page. Is there a way to register the sort order … Read more

Sort Posts Best Practice

I have a custom post type “Properties”. These properties posts are being listed out on page “Properties For Let”. Each property post has various custom meta including price, and number of bedrooms. The properties will initially be listed in the order defined by the original wp query I set. However at the top of the … Read more

Sorting Grids with Essential Grid and Events Manger

I am using Events Manager to control my Events, but Essential Grids to display previews of these events in various places throughout my site. An example of this is http://staging-dbmax.transitiongraphics.co.uk/events/. Essentially I am trying to get Essential Grids to recognise the Date Field of the event and sort the grid accordingly. Whilst hiding events that … Read more