“Could not get any response” response when using postman with subdomain

I am using postman to test an API I have, all is good when the request does not contain sub-domain, however when I add a sub-domain to URL I am getting this response. Could not get any response There was an error connecting to http://subdomain.localhost:port/api/ Why this might have happened: The server couldn’t send a … Read more

How do I get a list of all subdomains of a domain? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 10 years ago. Improve this question I want to find out all the subdomains of a given domain. I found a hint which tells me to dig the authoritative … Read more

Share cookie between subdomain and domain

I have two questions. I understand that if I specify the domain as .mydomain.com (with the leading dot) in the cookie that all subdomains can share a cookie. Can subdomain.mydomain.com access a cookie created in mydomain.com (without the www subdomain)? Can mydomain.com (without the www subdomain) access the cookie if created in subdomain.mydomain.com? 8 s … Read more